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Why Marino Sussich is a Leading Creative Entrepreneur

guy leading the team

Being a successful entrepreneur is an ongoing journey. More than just starting a business, creative entrepreneurs have skills, traits and strategies that help create value and solve problems in a dynamic business environment. Read on to discover the mindset and actions Marino Robert Sussich developed as an entrepreneur.

Top 7 Steps And Strategies To Adopt Entrepreneurial Skills

1. Develop a Clear Vision: 

Successful entrepreneurs don’t just focus on the day-to-day — they have a long-term vision. To develop these skills, set specific and achievable goals aligning with your vision. Next, take some time to brainstorm solutions that others may not have seen yet. It’s essential as an entrepreneur to know that change is inevitable, and the ability to pivot is critical. For example, when Jeff Bezos started Amazon, it was an online bookstore. A few years later, he identified a gap in the market where his company could add more value. Fast forward, and Amazon is now a multi-national, global e-commerce giant. 

2. Draw upon your passion and develop perseverance:

Passion is the fuel that drives entrepreneurs, while perseverance helps them overcome obstacles. Successful creative entrepreneurs are passionate about their work and will put in the time and effort to realise their vision. You may be faced with rejection and multiple setbacks. How you cope with these will impact your future success. Developing a relentless drive and resilience is crucial to weathering the ups and downs of business. 

3. Constant and never-ending improvement: 

Successful entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to do things better. They innovate, improve processes, and focus on finding efficiencies. By challenging the status quo and searching for new solutions to existing problems, they can cause disruption, which results in business success. Creative entrepreneurs also focus on meeting the needs of their customers. Their deep understanding of their target audience helps them stay ahead of the pack.

4. Taking calculated risks to get results: 

Entrepreneurs must take risks, but successful ones don’t act without calculating the risks and weighing the potential rewards against them. They draw heavily upon data and research; while they use their intuition, they rely on facts. Famous entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Elon Musk know that some business ventures won’t work and learn from this despite experiencing setbacks.

5. The power of networking: 

Having the right connections and networks can lead to success. As an entrepreneur, Marino Sussich has developed strong relationships that have opened doors to new opportunities, investors, and collaborations. Creative entrepreneurs also adopt a collaborative mindset, asking for advice, seeking mentors, and looking for partners to help grow their businesses. By valuing their connections, creative entrepreneurs understand that their people skills are essential to business success.

6. Knowing their numbers: 

Successful entrepreneurs know a good idea isn’t enough for success —a solid financial foundation is also required. Managing cash flow, controlling costs, and planning for future growth are critical to long-term business success. It’s also important to develop financial discipline and invest profits into the business to keep it expanding.

7. Strong leadership skills: 

Good leadership is more than managing people – guiding and inspiring them towards a common goal. Successful entrepreneurs create a vision that others want to follow, foster a positive company culture, and empower their team to achieve greatness. For example, Steve Jobs was known at Apple for inspiring his team to push boundaries and “think different”.

Book A Consultation With Marino Sussich

To become a successful entrepreneur, you need more than a business idea. You need the right skills, strategies, and mindset. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an established business owner, adopting these principles can help you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and lead you toward success. 

Working with an entrepreneur like Marino Robert Sussich will add a wealth of experience, data-driven insights, and fresh perspectives to your business. He can help you develop a financial and marketing plan that aligns with your goals while driving profitability and growth. Book a consultation here.