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Business Management Essentials: Creating Company Culture

business management | business education | Marino Sussich

Company culture can have a significant impact on the performance of your business, encouraging team members to feel more connected to the workplace and therefore their work.

Marino Sussich is a business management expert whose expertise and achievements in business has made him a respected name around the world. In his many years of gathering knowledge of the intricacies of business operations, he has discovered the importance of company culture in the world’s best workplaces. 

Find out more about what it is, why it’s important and how you can create a great workplace culture to have employees performing at their best and feeling content.

What is company culture and why is it important?

More engaged employees, lower turnover rates, increased morale, higher productivity, and a positive company image are some of the positive impacts of a strong company culture. Without it, it is difficult for employees to find value in their work and there is often a lack of motivation and passion. 

Culture is dictated by a range of factors including the structure of the organisation, whether there are any dress codes, the internal procedures, work hours, benefits and work-life balance. High-level managers are responsible for its cultivation while employees are the ones maintaining it. 

Deloitte’s survey determined there is a strong correlation between culture and a sense that employees are happy and feel valued. As many Human Resources professionals agree, creating a positive culture in the workplace is imperative. People will want to work for your company influencing recruitment, employee loyalty, job satisfaction and performance. 

How can you create it? 

1. Determine core company values

Determining the underlying values within the company’s mission and purpose will not only help team members to act in line with these values, but will also impact the hiring process. Current and future employees will operate as part of a more cohesive culture with policies and processes that are well-communicated and that align with the company’s trajectory. 

2. Reward system for achieving key performance goals

Rewarding your employees for their contributions is a great way to ensure they remain engaged and creates a positive, supportive work environment. Recognising the achievements of your team displays appreciation of their efforts and the individual skills which they contribute, and lets them know they have an impact on the organisation as a whole. 

3. Receive input from employees

When establishing a strong culture, it’s important to get feedback and input from employees as it is your staff that will be directly impacted. Reaching out and listening to team members will also show that you value their input and want to work with them to make the workplace a better place to be. 

4. Encourage wellness

Employee health is at the centre of a functional business, where team members cannot be expected to perform at their best if they are not feeling physically or mentally well. Taking steps to ensure your team is healthy, and that they have any necessary resources to get them back on track if they are not feeling their best, is extremely important. 

5. Create professional development opportunities

Oftentimes, if an employee cannot see room for them to progress their skills or grow within the company this will impact employee retention and they may go elsewhere for these opportunities to advance themselves and their careers. You should create opportunities for team members to grow and offer training or group outings to attend educational events. 

6. Encourage positivity 

Positivity is clearly a crucial element of a positive workplace culture. Positivity can be promoted by expressions of gratitude, kindness and displays of optimism. Business leaders should demonstrate this behaviour and promote it in employees. 

7. Foster social connections  

Social relationships are one of the strongest ties that an employee can have to a business, and helps to create connectedness and engagement. While it may seem as though work relationships can be distracting from productivity and work, these connections are necessary to create loyalty and enjoyment in the workplace and therefore increase productivity. 

8. Recognise and implement “culture champions” 

As explained in a Forbes article, “culture champions” are employees who embody the values and missions of a company to promote these values and inspire others. Identifying these employees continues to encourage their positive behaviour and allows them to continue inspiring others in a more public way. 

Build a well-performing business with Marino Sussich

Marino Sussich is well-versed in business knowledge, with many industry projects under his belt to influence his business education. With global business exposure, Marino’s real world learning experiences makes him one of the greatest business consultants in the industry. 

If you are looking to improve your business management and grow a successful company, contact Marino Robert Sussich today.