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business consulting

9 Challenges a Business Consultant Can Help You Overcome

As a business owner, you are sure to be wearing many hats at a time. Amongst the excitement of management, it can also be extremely overwhelming that there are so many areas to focus on from finance and marketing to operations and human resources.  When you are facing business challenges, a consultant can provide expert […]

How to Find the Right Niche for Your New Business

When establishing a new business, there are a range of elements to think about. To create business success, you need to focus on a variety of areas with financial and operational concerns. The most important element of business, however, is the central idea – what lies at the core. This is essentially the product or […]

international business advisor | Marino Sussich

Business Management Essentials: Strong Leadership

Small businesses need both leaders and managers to create a positive and productive business culture. A good leader is the reason everything within a business works together, with effective leaders creating company success through strategic direction and motivation. Marino Robert Sussich is an international business advisor that understands the importance of leadership in the running […]

business management | business education | Marino Sussich

Business Management Essentials: Creating Company Culture

Company culture can have a significant impact on the performance of your business, encouraging team members to feel more connected to the workplace and therefore their work. Marino Sussich is a business management expert whose expertise and achievements in business has made him a respected name around the world. In his many years of gathering […]

Business strategy consulting | Marino Robert Sussich

The Impact of Perfectionism in Business

Perfectionism in the business world can, at first glance, seem like a positive phenomenon. Who would not want everything to be done with incredible accuracy and achieve the best possible results?  In the long term, long hours dedicated to delivering tasks no matter how small or large can actually lead to much less work being […]

business consulting | Marino Sussich

10 Networking Tips to Get Ahead in Business

In the business realm, networking is an important tool to learn from other professionals in the industry, share your own insights, receive valuable mentorship and open yourself up to new opportunities. While business networking increases your chances of success, for many it can be an extremely daunting experience.  Marino Sussich is an expert in the […]

Essentials of a Good Business Strategy

A business strategy involves every action that is taken which leads the business towards a larger goal. Emeritus explains that in a business environment that is becoming increasingly competitive, understanding strategy and implementing the appropriate techniques will provide your company with a crucial advantage.  Marino Sussich is a business expert who is well-versed in the […]

International business expert | Marino Robert Sussich

The Importance of Setting Goals in Business

On a personal level, goal setting is important in identifying where you want to go in life and determining steps along the way to ensure your desires are achieved. As explained by Positive Psychology, goal setting helps to trigger new behaviours, guide focus and sustain momentum that avoids the feeling of being stagnant or bored.  […]

The Secret to a Successful Product | Marino Sussich

The Secret to a Successful Product

About 40% of all new products lead to failure, says Forbes. That’s nearly half of all new products, which is a pretty discouraging figure for new businesses and entrepreneurs. Those creators of the 40%, however, didn’t have this blog or business consultant and innovator, Marino Sussich, to provide the secret to what makes a successful […]

International business consultant - Marino Sussich

Knowing How to Target Your Audience

There are many elements to running a successful business, and having a strong idea of your target audience and how to impact it is a critical part of business success. No matter how impressive your product or service is, without being able to reach the consumer there will not be many people interacting with your […]